Check On Your Friends

Dinner bought for
me by my friend.
My son's God Mimi checked on us and I told her I've had a lot going on these last few weeks. My life is going well, and I am in a place of transition. I am looking for a sitter to help us out from time to time with our 1 year old son Deuce. The additional breaks and date nights are much needed! We are changing Deuce's daycare and I started a new job almost 2 months ago. The new new job is taking a lot of adjusting and learning since I am taking on a site quality manager role and learning a new industry at the same time. I am taking in so much information while also implementing new processes and that can be exhausting mentally.

I fill her in on my life and she said to let her know if there was anything she could do to help out even though she's in Texas. I didn't really have anything she could do, but I definitely appreciated the offer. As we continued to exchange text messages, she randomly asked me for my address. I'm thinking she's going to send Deuce some more stuff. She really wanted to order dinner for us.

She followed up with this text message:

"...And I know that you're a big girl, but please don't go through your stressful days and weeks alone. Yes you have Nygel and your family, but as a friend, I'd like an opportunity to help or support in any way that I can."

It means so much to me that she was willing to be there for me even though she's far away.  Our friendship has always been that way.  She's one of the people who will look out for me and check in on me.  I'm usually the person to check on others, be there for others and support. So it is refreshing to have someone to check in on me.

Photo courtesy of ywca
Her actions reminded me of the saying to "Check on your strong friend."  That friend usually keeps on pushing no matter what and does what it takes to keep things together. Honestly, you should check on all of your friends, because you never know the battles they are fighting.  Whether a person is winning or losing the battle, they are taking hits. It would be nice to know someone is thinking of you.
