Faith Inspite Fear

        The last few weeks I have been hearing the word from different speakers about how God has equipped us with everything you need to succeed. We just don't step out and take action due to a lack of faith. Pastor Furtik said one day the opposite of faith is certainty. To me, it means that if  you don't take a chance to reach your goal, it's because you are afraid of all the things that could go wrong. There is that doubt, that uncertainty rearing its ugly head.  Having faith means that in spite of any doubts and fears, you will push through towards your goals, knowing that God has control and you will not be denied what he has for you.
        On another occasion, I listened to speaker Becky A. Davis and she reaffirmed the message Pastor Furtik conveyed.  As she discussed what she did to achieve her success, she spoke about how fear stopped her from going after her dream for 20 years. Once she stepped out on faith not knowing how everything would get done, God did his part and she is now a very successful business woman.

We may not want to see it this way, but fear shows a lack of faith, if we truly know who we are and to whom we belonged, we would not live in fear.  We would live knowing the promises of God and what he has promised us as his children.  Everything will not happen instantly, if it did, you wouldn't know how to handle it. God gives you bits and pieces of the whole picture along the way.  Do your part, have faith, and believe you can achieve your goal.  Do not live in fear any longer.  Go out and get your inheritance!


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